Saturday, December 26, 2015

WIMS Daily Environmental HotSheet

You can now receive the Daily HotSheet

National Edition at no charge

(click here).


Our Corporate Sponsors



Hello, We're on holiday break now, but we'll be back on January 4, 2016.
Waste Information & Management Services, Inc. (WIMS) produces the WIMS Daily Environmental HotSheet --
A daily, quick-scan summary of important environmental, energy, climate change developments. . . with active links to all details. Developed with a keen sense of the news & information you need, and packaged in a product designed for your fast-paced, on-the-go, busy lifestyle. Access it on your phone, tablet, laptop or PC and stay on top of the information you need to do your job and run your business.
Beginning January 4, 2016, you can start receiving the Daily HotSheet National Edition free of charge. You'll receive your HotSheet each day around noon EST.
WIMS has been around since 1980 providing innovative environmental information services to attorneys, consultants and the regulated community. We hope you will take advantage this opportunity and we look forward to providing this service to you. Click Here to see a recent issue.
It's easy -- just click here -- and let us know where to send your HotSheet.




Jeff Dauphin




Waste Information & Management Services, Inc. (WIMS)
Publishers: WIMS Daily Environmental Hotsheet
Multiple Blogs:
Jeff Dauphin, President
Interlochen, MI 49643-9129