<> New $1 billion Climate Resilience Fund - President Obama's 2015 Budget that will be released next month will include a new $1 billion Climate Resilience Fund - Obama will highlight the fund in a visit to California to address the state's worst droughts in over 100 years. . .
· U.S. News & World Report article
<> AEA To Rep. Upton On NatGas Exports - America's Energy Advantage (AEA), is a trade association representing many of the world's leading manufacturers and commodity producers, as well as the United States' publicly-owned natural gas distribution companies. . . While we respect the Committee's thoughtful approach to the subject, we strongly disagree with the report's central recommendation to export nearly half of current
· Committee Releases Report on Global Benefits of U.S. LNG Exports
<> The unique cyber-vulnerabilities of the oil and gas industry - At the recent Information Systems Security Association conference, a sample poll of cybersecurity experts found that a majority of them believe there will be a "major" cyberterrorism event within the next year. A plurality predicts that this attack will focus on the energy industry. Thirty-five percent of the security professionals polled pointed at the power grid as the target of this strike. . .
<> U.S. Drought Monitor Update for February 11, 2014 - According to the February 11 U.S. Drought Monitor, moderate to exceptional drought covers 37.6% of the contiguous U.S.
<> Press Release: Obama Administration to Offer 40 Million Acres in the Gulf of Mexico for Oil and Gas Development - Lease Sale 231 in the Central Planning Area and Lease Sale 225 in the Eastern Planning Area will be held consecutively in New Orleans, Louisiana, on March 19, 2014
<> Speaker Boehner on Retirement Announcement by Chairman Doc Hastings - House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) issued the following statement on the retirement announcement of House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (R-WA): "For nearly two decades, Doc Hastings has served in the House with honor, humility and distinction. In addition to being a skilled legislator and leader, he's the epitome of grace and. . .
<> Senators Plan To Stay Up All Night To Talk Climate Change - Source: Huffington Post - A group of senators is planning to stage an all-night talkathon about climate change next month, aimed at stirring their fellow senators to action.
<> Keystone XL Will Significantly Increase Oil Industry Investment in the Tar Sands - A major issue in the decision around the proposed Keystone XL tar sands pipeline is the extent to which this project will drive expansion of tar sands extraction and the associated
<> Reminder EPA RFA: Human and Ecological Health Impacts Associated with Water Reuse and Conservation Practices - February 18, 2014 closing date is fixed. funding competition supporting projects that focus on understanding the impacts of water reuse and conservation practices on human and ecological health and how they relate to broader issues of energy-efficient processes for water conservation and nutrient management and recovery.