In total, the bill includes $27.5 billion in spending -- a reduction of $2.1 billion below last year's level and $3.8 billion below the President's budget request. The legislation cuts climate change programs by a total of $83 million, or 22% from last year, and decreases land acquisition funding by $239 million, or 79%. In addition, the legislation also includes several provisions (i.e. riders) aimed at reining in, what Republicans are calling "out-of-control federal bureaucracies and overly burdensome regulations that harm American businesses and hinder economic recovery."
House Appropriations Chairman Hal Rogers (R-TX) said. "This legislation is a great example of the hard but necessary work the Appropriations Committee is doing to get our fiscal house in order by cutting extraneous, duplicative and unnecessary spending. The cuts in this bill were not easy and they were not taken lightly, but they are responsible and necessary to move our country in the right direction. In addition, the bill reins in out-of-control regulation at the EPA -- the poster child for the Administration's widespread regulatory overreach that is hurting nearly every sector of our recovering economy." Interior Appropriations Subcommittee Chairman Mike Simpson (R-ID) said, "We are living at a time of record deficits and debt. If there's one thing we should have learned from the last Congress, it's that we can't spend our way to economic recovery. At the end of the day, what this Committee is attempting to do in this bill is reduce spending, create more certainty in the marketplace, and promote an economic environment conducive to job growth."
- An amendment that prevents the EPA from being forced to implement a biological opinion related to pesticides and the Endangered Species Act. This will allow time for an independent scientific review on the issue to be completed.
- Language to direct the EPA to conduct a study on the economic impact of a rule requiring installation of catalytic converters on certain engines.
- Language requiring the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement (BOEMRE) to provide quarterly reports to Congress on the status of permits, as well as reasons permits were denied.
- An amendment to prohibit funding for the EPA to implement regulations on Portland cement.
- An amendment to prohibit funding for the EPA to implement the "lead contractor" rule until the agency approves a commercially available lead paint test kit.
- An amendment to prohibit funding for the EPA to implement or enforce numeric Florida Water Quality Standards.
- An amendment to prohibit funding for the EPA to finalize a new greenhouse gas standard for automobiles after model year 2017.
- An amendment to prohibit funding for the EPA to develop additional financial assurance requirements for hard rock mining operations.
- An amendment to prohibit states from receiving EPA Great Lakes funding if they have adopted ballast water requirements that are more stringent than federal requirements.
- An amendment to prohibit funding for the EPA to implement a regulation to restrict information provided on pesticide labels.
- An amendment to prohibit funding for the EPA to implement regulations related to ammonia emissions such as those created by agricultural operations.
- An amendment inserts report language to direct the EPA to do a cumulative assessment of the impacts of EPA regulations, and prohibits funding for the "Utility MACT" and "Transport" rules.