- SCOTUS On: Utility Air Regulatory Group v. U.S. EPA
- Obama climate change agenda faces first Supreme Court test - WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court considers on Monday whether President Barack Obama's administration overstepped its authority by imposing new regulations to reduce pollution in response to climate change.
<> Small Nebraska agency might further complicate Keystone fight - the Nebraska Public Service Commission could start its review once TransCanada submits an application, but the company will likely wait to see whether the lower court's ruling stands up against appeals.
<> Colorado adopts first rules in nation to directly reduce methane and VOCs from oil and gas - the first requirements anywhere in the U.S. to directly control emissions of methane, a highly potent greenhouse gas known to intensify the rate of global warming. . .
<> Freight Railroads Join U.S. Transportation Secretary Foxx in Announcing Industry Crude By Rail Safety Initiative - a rail operations safety initiative that will institute new voluntary operating practices for moving crude oil by rail.
<> Energy trade is a key part of overall U.S. trade flows - (Mon, 24 Feb 2014) EIA says Energy trade has long been a key component of overall
<> Recent Decisions Affecting EPA's Ability to Enforce PSD/NSR Violations - Recent decisions by the Court of Appeals for the Third, United States v. EME Homer City[1] and Seventh, United States v. Midwest Generation,[2] Circuits are the newest additions to the growing body of case law concerning the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) enforcement power under the Clean Air Act's Prevention of Significant Deterioration and. . .
<> Wonks in embattled regulatory office are mysterious — but 'not nefarious' - Robin Bravender and Emily Yehle, E&E reportersGreenwire: Tuesday, February 18, 2014 First of two stories about OIRA. On the 10th floor of a red brick building with a leaky roof not far from the White House are offices and cubicles filled with some of the most influential people in
<> Seeking Consensus: A New Project on the Energy Collective - "Seeking Consensus" is a new column on TEC which aims to objectively quantify the relative attractiveness of the wide range of energy options available to us. Participation from the community is very important, and this first post therefore asks for community feedback on the structure of this project.
<> British economy £200 billion roadmap for future of offshore oil and gas industry & world's first gas CCS plant planned - The British economy could receive a potential £200 billion boost over the next 20 years, through the recovery of an additional 3-4 billion. . .
<> Microgrids for Rural Electrification - A critical review of best practices based on seven case studies. Published by the United Nations Foundation, February 2014
<> Green Climate Fund Board takes key decisions on operations and makes progress on 'Essential Eight' - Bali, Indonesia, the Board of the Green Climate Fund met this week to deal with the eight essential requirements for its initial resource mobilization and take fundamental decisions to advance the institution's operations.