<> Opportunity For All: Middle Class Tax Cuts In The President's FY 2015 Budget - The President's FY2015 budget released today will show how to achieve real, lasting economic security and expand opportunity for all so that every American who is willing to work hard can get ahead. The President's budget will show in real terms the choices we can make to expand economic opportunity and strengthen the middle class, like closing unfair tax loopholes so we can invest. . .
<> Here's What They're Saying about EPA's Final Cleaner Fuel and Car Standards - EPA summarizes reaction to its final standards that it says will significantly reduce ground-level ozone, particulate matter, benzene and other air toxics in the air we breathe.
<> Municipal Solid Waste Generation, Recycling, and Disposal in the United States: Facts and Figures for 2012 - Latest facts and figures current through calendar year 2012. Americans generated about 251 million tons of trash and recycled and composted almost 87 million tons of this material, equivalent to a 34.5 percent recycling rate. . .
· Complete 2012 details and previous reports
<> PJM report finds system could cope with 30% wind and solar, suggests new measures - a new report by PJM on integrating up to 30 percent renewable energy onto the grid, in Texas, wind finds a friend in rail, and Massachusetts is reshaping New England's energy landscape
· PJM Renewable Integration Study (PRIS)
· Comment from Union of Concerned Scientists
<> A Map of Every Wind Turbine in the U.S. — Interactive USGS Map Shows Locations of More than 47,000 (and Counting) - The USGS WindFarm interactive web map shows the locations of the more than 47,000 wind turbines installed in the U.S. as of mid-2013. WindFarm and the data behind it cover all 50 states.
<> Drought and Global Climate Change: An Analysis of Statements by Roger Pielke Jr - The President's Science Advisor, Dr. John P. Holdren, published a 6-page analysis rebutting Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) and Dr. Roger Pielke, Jr., a University of Colorado political scientist regarding testimony on the Administration's Climate Action Plan. . .
<> California Carbon Tax Study - An aggressively-priced carbon tax in California, with revenue returned to the public, would actually grow the state's economy and increase jobs, according to a new study released by Citizens Climate Lobby prepared by Regional Economic Models, Inc. (REMI)
<> Enbridge to Undertake $7 Billion Mainline Replacement Program - The company announced they have received shipper support for a $7 billion investment in their Canadian and U.S. mainline system running from Edmonton, Alberta to Superior, Wisconsin. The Line 3 Replacement (L3R) Program will complement the existing Line 3 segment replacement program and include all remaining segments of Line 3 between
<> Congressional Research Service Report On CCS R&D - Carbon Capture and Sequestration: Research, Development, and Demonstration at the
<> U.S. Forest Service Study Of Winter Freeze & Emerald Ash Borer - study was designed to assess the cold hardiness of emerald ash borer larvae, the overwintering stage of the insect.
<> UNEP's Global Environmental Alert Service (GEAS) - Empowering people with engaging environmental information in a near-real time mode is now in the realm of reality. Using the Internet to provide people with online access to compelling and dynamic information about environmental changes as they occur.
<> Secretary Jewell, NPS Director Release New Report Showing National Parks Remain Strong Economic Engines, Support 243,000 Jobs Nationwide- More than 200,000 of the jobs supported by national parks in 2012 were in local
<> Ohio wind turbine shutdown raises issue of migratory bird safety - Environmental groups have won what they call a victory for birds with the suspension of a plan to build a wind turbine in Ohio.
<> Sierra Club Challenges Inadequate Federal Review of Cameron LNG Export Proposal - Sierra Club, along with Gulf Restoration Network and RESTORE, filed comments on Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's draft environmental review for the Cameron liquefied natural gas (LNG) export proposal in Louisiana.
<> Insurers Have Huge Role As Clean Energy Investors - Conversations about climate change and the insurance industry usually focus on catastrophic storms and their damaging financial ripples for insurance providers. Given skyrocketing extreme-weather losses in recent years, it's surely a legitimate issue that should be making insurers re-think their business models. But insurers have another important role on the climate issue. . .
<> New Report Outlines Climate Costs of Relaxing Crude Oil Export Regulations - A new analysis published today by Oil Change International shows that eliminating existing regulations on crude oil exports could result in additional greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to 42 coal fired power plants.