Friday, June 13, 2014

WIMS Environmental HotSheet 6/13/14

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National / International News


<> WIMS Corporate Sponsors - WIMS is pleased to announce that Barnes & Thornburg LLP, Dykema, and Dickinson-Wright have all agreed to be Corporate Sponsors of the new WIMS Daily Environmental HotSheet & WIMS environmental portal and associated Environmental Information Blogs. A special thanks to these new/continuing sponsors!

<> Energy Department Announces New Regional Approach to Wind Energy Information - The new WINDExchange initiative and website will serve as a digital portal providing fact-based informational resources about the costs and benefits of wind power, technical assistance and guidance for simplifying the deployment process, and public access to educational resources.

<> EPA Identifies Safer Substitutes for Toxic Flame Retardants - EPA is announcing safer alternatives to the flame retardants now used in consumer and commercial products, including building insulation and products with flexible polyurethane foam.

<> EPA Requires Ford to Correct Fuel Economy for Six Vehicle Models - EPA announced that Ford Motor Company is revising the fuel economy (mpg) estimates for six vehicle models to correct errors found in an internal Ford audit. Ford is required to correct fuel economy labels on affected vehicles within 15 days.

<> Secretary of State John Kerry To Host the "Our Ocean" Conference - Secretary of State John Kerry will host the "Our Ocean" Conference at the U.S. Department of State on June 16 and 17, bringing together 350-400 participants from more than 80 nations,

<> Energy Department Invests More Than $10 Million in Efficient Lighting R&D - DOE announced nine research and development projects that will receive funding to support solid-state lighting (SSL) core technology research and product development.

<> Barnes & Thornburg Environmental Alert - Barnes & Thornburg LLP has issued an Environmental Alert Re: EPA Proposed Rule on Petroleum Refinery Emissions issued on May 15, 2014

<> The Future of the Utility Industry and the Role of Energy Efficiency - This study estimates future electric sales under several scenarios, concluding that in the coming two decades sales will either be level, increase modestly or decrease modestly. Even under the most extreme case examined we find that a "death spiral" is unlikely.

<> Energy Deputy Secretary Poneman Co-Chairs Nuclear Meeting in Japan - "These meetings contribute significantly to our nuclear energy cooperation with Japan. . ."

<> REEcyle Takes the Gold in the 2014 National Clean Energy Business Plan Competition - REEcyle Takes the Gold in the 2014 National Clean Energy Business Plan Competition The student startup from the University of Houston won the Energy Department's 2014 National Clean Energy Business Plan

<> Build the Buzz for Pollinator Week! - (Beyond Pesticides, June 13, 2014) Monday marks the beginning of a week of celebration for the irreplaceable species that pollinate one in three bites of food we eat, yet are threatened by the rampant use of pesticides

<> Global Protection Proposed for Sharks, Rays, Sawfish, Polar Bears and Lions - The deadline for listing proposals for the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals or CMS was June 6 and a total of 32 species have been proposed for listing at the COP 11 meeting November 4-9, 2014 in Quito, Ecuador


Federal Register Highlights 

The following is an alert of Environmental Federal Register announcements that may be of interest for: Day, Month, date, 2014.  (Click here to access today's complete Federal Register index with links to complete announcements).


1. Energy - Proposed Rules. Department of Energy. - Semiannual regulatory agenda. PDF | Text |

2. All – Proposed Rules. U.S. EPA. - Semiannual regulatory agenda. PDF | Text | 

(click for the complete Energy & EPA announcements)